Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Cobalt's Female Form (2011)

Cobalt has gone through many changes, but this was the first time I made voluntary transformation an aspect of his character.



The story goes that Cobalt Kimera commissioned an enchanted collar from a mage that was capable of turning him into a girl. To use it, he puts on the collar while thinking of the duration of the transformation to take place, and then the change will take as much or as little time as he wants. "She" will remain in her female form even if the collar is removed. She turns back to normal simply by concentrating on the change.

However, the charm on the collar can't offer a completely stable transformation. There is a short period of time right after transforming when CK must concentrate on STAYING that way, or else she'll quickly revert to her male self. After several minutes, the form stabilizes and becomes no problem at all to maintain. But the longer CK remains a woman, she will need a greater amount of concentration to change back when she eventually wants to become a guy again.

A single day in this form is not an issue, but if she were to remain a female for three or four days, she would have a tremendous amount of difficulty returning to her body slowly becomes convinced by the unstable charm that this form IS normal. CK estimates staying a female for longer than a week would be enough to make the change essentially permanent, unless he uses another expensive magic charm to restore his male body. This is only of minor concern, though, since he rarely stays in female form longer than a day or two at a time.

The other drawback to the unstable nature of the charm is that, if she takes off the collar while female, she will slowly start to exhibit more goatlike behavior. The most obvious effect of this is the change to her voice. Within minutes of taking the collar off, her voice takes on a wavering goatish tone. Within hours, goat sounds take more dominance over her speech patterns as it becomes impossible to speak without drawing out every word into a laborious bleat. The obvious end result is that, after about twelve hours, she is unable to say anything more complex than "baa."

Further behavioral changes include developing a simpler mindset. Her attention span begins to shorten after an hour with the collar off. She becomes prone to eat anything when she's hungry, whether it's food or not. After a day without the collar, she may even have trouble standing on two hooves, though she hasn't dared to take the time to confirm this yet. CK thus tends to keep the collar on for as long as she's in the form, regardless of how the collar and bell look alongside whatever else she's wearing...or even despite the fact that she may be wearing nothing else at all.

As with her male form, she has a rapid metabolism that allows her to eat large portions at meal time without altering her slender figure. Any extra energy that would be stored into fat is instead put into increased hair production. Depending on her daily diet, her hair may grow between one and six inches a day. But in addition to this trait she shares with her male self, the transformation charm has given her female form the ability to grow out her hair (and any area of wool across her whole body) rapidly just by concentrating. She tends to abuse this ability regularly.

This will all become a factor in the development of the character, as seen in the later Kimera Fashion Series.

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